Erlebnisraum Römerstraße - Infozentrum Naturzentrum Eifel




The joint project "VIA Erlebnisraum Römerstraße | Agrippastraße - Via Belgica" makes it possible to "experience" the former Roman state roads in the Rhineland again on a cycling and hiking route. Exposures and reconstructions make the road building art of the Romans visible and tangible.

The Roman Road Information Centre in Nettersheim is located in the Eifel Nature Centre, a supra-regional visitor centre with nature and history exhibitions, tourist information, museum shop and cafeteria.

On the grd floor, an introductory module with touch screen and large-scale map then offer comprehensive information about the Roman roads in the Rhineland and mobility in Roman times. There are also suggestions for exciting excursions: all monuments along the Agrippa Road and the Via Belgica that are worth a visit are briefly presented. There is an interactive guessing game for children. The archaeological exhibition on the upper floor is given a new central theme by the Roman Road Info Centre: the Eifel as an economic area. Why was the northern Eifel so important for the Romans?oun

Gut zu wissen


Mai-Okt. Mo-Fr 09.00-18.00 Uhr, Nov.-Apr. Mo-Fr 09.00-16.00 Uhr Mai-Okt. Sa, So 10.00-18.00 Uhr, Nov.-Apr. Sa, So 09.00-16.00 Uhr


Eifel Tourismus GmbH

In der Nähe

Erlebnisraum Römerstraße - Infozentrum Naturzentrum Eifel
Urftstr. 2-4
53947 Nettersheim