Nordic Walking am Rursee


Nordic walking courses for beginners and advanced at the Rursee.

Nordic walking courses are offered in Rurberg in the beautiful setting and clear, healthy air of the Rursee. From beginners to advanced, everyone can find their own pace.

Course 1: To get to know Nordic Walking Theory without exercises. What you need, what it does, statistical values, etc. Valuable tips on clothing, shoes, sticks, accessories and apps. Time expenditure between 30 and 40 minutes.

Course 2: Nordic walking techniques (only bookable with course 1). Practical exercises to learn Nordic walking. Time required between 40 and 50 minutes. Sticks are provided free of charge.

The first steps (for beginners and experienced): Past the lake and over the heights with a great view. During the tour, the techniques will be deepened. Time expenditure between 80 and 100 minutes. Route length about 5.6 km with about 60 meters difference in altitude. Those who have attended course 2 get the sticks free of charge.

Rurberg tour (for advanced): Past the lake and over the heights. Route length between 6 and 9 kilometers. Without technical exercises. If necessary, there will only be a few tips and small corrections. Time expenditure 80 to 120 minutes and about 100 meters of altitude have to be overcome. Sticks, gloves and pads can also be purchased on site.

Gut zu wissen


Die Kurse finden samstags und sonntags statt.Nach Absprache sind auch Kurse von Montag bis Freitag und zu änderen Zeiten möglich.


Preise und Termine auf Anfrage.


Eifel Tourismus GmbH

In der Nähe

Nordic Walking am Rursee
Grimmischall 21
52152 Simmerath-Rurberg