What is destination.base?
destination.base is a collection of editorial content modules ranging from text-image-elements to forms, timelines or image galleries that can be flexibly placed on a landing page. This allows for varied page layouts and longer user engagement.
THE digital trilogy for destination websites
What is destination.pages +?
destination.pages+ is our product group for outputs and content elements for structured data such as tours, events, and points of interest. The associated content elements can be placed just as flexibly on a landing page as destination.base and seamlessly integrated visually into the design.
What is destination.modules?
The editorial and structured modules of destination.base and destination.pages+ are a good foundation for any destination website. And yet there are more specific requirements, ranging from staff presentation and brochure download to tide or weather presentation. destination.modules comprises precisely these more specific TYPO3 modules.
TYPO3 directors take note
How to create the perfect page layout
There are no longer fixed page layouts, but combinable elements and stages.
Content First: through the flexible use of different content elements, the greatest emphasis is placed on content and the user experience.
The customised structure of the different landing pages creates variety and increases the length of stay.
Structured content elements fit seamlessly into the design of the rest of the website.
Each landing page can have very different objectives and dramaturgies.
The website as product
All advantages at a glance