Mini teaser

Content element for more editorial flexibility

What is it all about?
The mini-teasers offer editors even more opportunities to present content and highlight it even more prominently than with simple links, for example.

Good to know
Mini teasers can be inserted into one-, two- and three-column stages. The following content can be maintained individually: 

  • Header
  • Subheader
  • Link (is automatically linked in the header)
  • Image
  • Selection of project color schemes


Example A: Mini teaser in single-column stage

Editorial mini-teaser without link
for use in a single-column platform

Example B: Mini teaser in two-column stage

Centered display by aligning the column contents to the right or left 

Editorial mini-teaser without link
for use in a two-column stage
© Deinde dolorem quem maximum
Alternativer Text
for use in a single-column platform
© Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Example C: Mini teaser in three-column stage

Offset display by selecting different distances

Alternativer Text
Editorial mini-teaser without link
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing
© Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
This time in a completely different color
Alternativer Text
Click here for a structured data set in conversion color