What's it all about?
Our destination.styleswitch module allows you to tailor your website to different target groups by offering distinct color schemes and fonts. Visitors can easily switch between styles directly on the site.
Switch it up!
Change your website look with a switch
Good to know
The prerequisite for using the module is the definition of an alternative colour and font set and the pop-up text within the project. It can then be defined editorially for each page whether a style switch is available to the user via pop-up or not.
It should be noted that the style switch only changes colours and fonts, but not editorially maintained content.
This is the headline
and here is the subtitle of the standard stage
Here the first colour scheme is selected
The switch affects the colour scheme and the shading of the stage, but not editorial content such as the image.
Graphics must be stored as transparent svg.
This is the conversion colour scheme
This is the first colour scheme
This is the second colour scheme
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