
Download of press photos


What is it all about?

Providing high-resolution photos for download on your own website is an efficient way to facilitate access to high-quality image material for media representatives. At the same time, it enhances the visibility of the destination and enables targeted control over its visual representation in media coverage.

Good to know

Good to know

  • Images posted can be filtered by categories.
  • Sorting is based on the creation date, with the most recently added images displayed first.
  • To ensure copyright compliance, the download button is only activated once the user agrees to attribute the author when using the image.
  • The list of images available for download can be restricted through editorial management by:
    • Static selection of individual files
    • Selecting all files within a specific folder.
    • Filtering files based on assigned categories.

Example A: Unrestricted list

Example B: Static selection of three images

Example C: List pre-filtered by "Beispiel-Kategorie 2" 

Example D: List pre-filtered by "Beispiel-Kategorie 2" supplemented with 3 additional statically selected images.

  • Display of filter button: All filters assigned to the statically selected images will be displayed.

  • Multiple filters can be assigned to a single image file.

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