
The interactive bridge to users


What is it all about?
The use of forms on websites can help to facilitate interaction between users and destinations, collect information, optimise business processes and improve the user experience. However, it is important to ensure that forms are user-friendly and do not contain too many fields that could overwhelm users.


Good to know

Good to know
Our form module includes the following types of input fields: Text, large text field, e-mail, phone number, date, single selection (dropdown), single selection (radio button), multiple selection (checkboxes), file upload, image upload, privacy check (standard and quiz), age check and newsletter check.


Example A: simple form


Personal Details
Further details

(details are partly optional)

Here is a short description

Multiple choice checkbox
Custom check *
Data privacy check *
© Bork Bork Aliter homines

Example B: form with summary before submission


Personal Details
Further details

(details are partly optional)

Here is a short description

Multiple choice checkbox
Custom check *
Data privacy check *