Destination news at a glance

What is it about?
The module enables the display of news on a destination website and informs visitors about current events and relevant topics, increasing the topicality and relevance of the website.

Good to know
The module offers a compiled list view of all news entries, each of which links to individual pages with the complete news article. Several images (one for the list view and several for the detailed view), several free links, several links to related news items and related documents can be assigned to each news article. 

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© Platzhalter Urheberrecht

Example of an article

Here is a short, editorially maintained text. This text is also displayed in the list view and provides a brief insight…

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© Hier steht das copyright

Another article for demonstration purposes

This article consists of 500 words and one picture.

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Alternativer Text
© Platzhalter Urheberrecht

Demo news article

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam

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Alternativer Text
© Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Non reprehenderit magna officia consequat

Curabitur pretium tincidunt lacus, ut dapibus libero tincidunt a.

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News without image

No images have been provided for this item.

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