HdJ Prüm - DijA Mediencafé



Young people help seniors to use new technology such as smartphones, tablets, notebooks or PCs.
Young people will again be offering a media café as a contact point for the older generation/seniors from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. Anyone interested who feels unsure about using the new technology can contact the media scouts with their individual problem, who will be available to help and advise on questions about the new media. In 1:1 support, technical problems as well as the general use of smartphones, tablets, notebooks or PCs are addressed and assistance is provided with downloading apps or other software and hardware questions. Pre-registration by telephone with an appointment at the Haus der Jugend, telephone 06551-6346, is required. The staff will also be happy to answer any further questions about the media café. Young people who are interested in helping older people use new media are also welcome to join the team. Information/registration/meeting point: HdJ Prüm, Hahnplatz 1, 2nd floor, 54595 Prüm www.hdj-pruem.de


Monday, the 09.12.2024

15:00 - 18:00

Good to know


Jochen Pauls
Hahnplatz 1
54595 Prüm


Tourist-Information Prümer Land


Getting there
HdJ Prüm - DijA Mediencafé
Hahnplatz 1
54595 Prüm
Jochen Pauls
Hahnplatz 1
54595 Prüm