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Good to know
The portraits and accompanying texts on display are the result of intensive conversations that the artist had with the nuns about their life in the convent. Accompanied by a catalog, the exhibition conveys surprising insights and uses personal confessions to lead visitors into a spiritual world that usually eludes conventional views.
Saturday, the 21.12.2024
10:00 - 18:00
Sunday, the 22.12.2024
10:00 - 18:00
Thursday, the 26.12.2024
10:00 - 18:00
Good to know
Price info
Adults 10 euros, groups of 16 or more 8 euros per person, reduced admission 5 euros, children/young people (up to 17 years) and LWL-MuseumsCard+LVR museum card free admission
*Admission prices may vary for special events.
*Admission prices may vary for special events.
Kreis Paderborn | Wirtschaft & Tourismus
Königstraße 16
33142 Büren