Herbergsmuseum - Historical Hostel Museum Blankenburg




Built in 1684 this Tudor style house in the old town served between 1884 and 1916 as a hostel for men travelling. This was around the time when Blankenburg expanded due to extensive construction activities as many retirees wanted to settle there.
The most prominent guest who stayed here in 1894/1895, was a carpenter and later the first president of the GDR Wilhelm Pieck. The Herbergsmuseum is the only historic hostel in Germany, which was transformed into a museum. In addition to the former hostel with patio, laundry, barn, kitchen and bedroom an exhibition about the pilgrimage of travelling craftsmen is on display. Descriptive documents, pictures and statements provide an insight into the life and customs of travelling journeymen.

Good to know


Harzer Tourismusverband e.V.
Marktstraße 45
D-38640 Goslar


Harzer Tourismusverband e.V.


Getting there

Bergstraße 15
38889 Blankenburg