Ludgerus Cathedral


Ludgerus Cathedral

The Ludgerus Cathedral towers over the roofs of Billerbeck, visible from afar. The building from 1898 is not only the town's landmark but also the starting point for numerous cycling tours.

The 100-metre high towers of the cathedral have long been the landmark of Billerbeck. Located in the centre of the town, they are visible from afar and establish Billerbeck's reputation as a cathedral town. The mighty structure was built between 1892 and 1898 and is one of the region's outstanding places of worship.

The mighty church was named after St. Ludgerus, who died on this spot during a missionary journey. The death chapel of the first bishop of Münster is located in the south tower. The window glazing and the Ludgerus organ, consecrated in 2014, are particularly remarkable.


Ludgerus Cathedral can be visited during opening hours. Accessibility may be restricted due to church services, concerts and festivities.

Good to know


(01.01-31.12) Opening hours
Accessibility may be restricted due to church services, concerts and celebrations.

Price info

Free admission: 0 €

Payment Options

Entrance Free

Directions & Parking facilities

The Ludgerus Cathedral is located in the centre of Billerbeck. There are several car parks in the immediate vicinity. The "Parkplatz am Rathaus" (car park at the town hall) is in the immediate vicinity.
Billerbeck railway station is about 10 minutes' walk from the cathedral. Regional trains from Münster and Coesfeld stop regularly in the cathedral town.
By car, travel via the A 43 motorway (Recklinghausen-Münster). From the Nottuln exit, follow the B 525 federal road. Billerbeck and the town centre are signposted from the main road.

More information

Information for cyclists
Numerous interesting and scenically particularly beautiful themed routes for cyclists run through the Münsterland region.
In the vicinity of the Ludgerus Cathedral run the:
100 castles route
Sandstone Route
The hilly landscape of the Baumberge offers numerous scenic cycling tours that are also ideal for more athletic cyclists. The old town of Nottuln and Hüslhoff Castle near Havixbeck are popular destinations. The charming cycle routes to Coesfeld and Rosendahl run almost without any metres in altitude.
The entrance to the 4,500 km long and signposted Münsterland cycle path network is directly at the cathedral.


Münsterland e.V.


Getting there
Ludgerus Cathedral
Domgasse 1
48727 Billerbeck