How would you like to arrive?
- 04:30 h
- 440 m
- 440 m
- 234 m
- 358 m
- 124 m
- 17.40 km
- Start: Parking Ernzen, Felsenweiher
- Destination: Parking Ernzen, Felsenweiher
The rocks on the Eifel hiking trail in the NaturWanderPark delux are already devilishly beautiful.
Look forward to a fabulous tour that took 2nd place in the 2021 vote for Germany's most beautiful hiking trail. It spans the arc of experience from the Hüllenschlund to the gate of heaven, is truly eerily beautiful and will remain in your best memory as a dreamlike hiking pleasure.
Starting point is the wall parking lot at the rock pond of Ernzen, which seems like a wondrous stage for elves and mermaids. The first section of the trail leads through the forest and circles the Ferschweiler Plateau on its southern flank. Soon the first rock walls of the Stubenlay rise vertically next to you. At the top of the plateau, you will reach the Kuckuckslay: a small rock bastion with a creeping stone, around which all kinds of legends entwine.
The ringing of the bells of Echternach Basilica, which lies in the valley, echoes upwards. At the next vantage point is the Liborius Chapel near a rock hermitage with a sensational view of Echternach with its imposing imperial abbey, which dates back to the 7th century.
Between heaven and hell
You leave the chapel and the view to heaven behind you. On the path winding around boulders and trees, you face northward. It is getting cooler. Mosses, lichens and ferns line the path. You descend via stairs, past mighty rock formations through a gorge flanked by two gigantic rock walls. It's as if you're passing through the gateway to the underworld. Suddenly a deep crevice opens up - breathtaking! Hold on tightly to your hands and carefully descend the stone steps. Now you understand why this place is called Devil's Gorge. It is simply devilishly beautiful here.
After the gorge, the route continues in an adventurous and spectacular manner: limestone that has been dissolved from the sedimentary rock and solidified again has artistically decorated the rocks, creating honeycomb-like structures. The sharp-edged rock was in great demand, as evidenced by several millstone quarries along the way. The rock path continues a bit through forest before you reach the plateau area and cross it. Fields and meadows with fruit trees line the path. It is so peaceful, almost heavenly! Back at the southwestern edge of the plateau, the next rocky landscape awaits you. The formation is called Pigsties, as two sandstone sculptures of pigs at the edge of the path underline. After this little discovery you hike to the rock pond, the starting point of your day tour.
Good to know
Best to visit
Eifel Tourismus GmbH, 05.06.2020