Into primeval forest around Zwieslerwaldhaus




7.40 km long
round trip
Difficulty: easy
  • 02:15 h
  • 170 m
  • 170 m
  • 7.40 km
  • Start: Parking area P1, Zwieslerwaldhaus 2, 94227 Lindberg
Discover and enjoy primeval forest, giant trees and traditional hospitality along easy paths

This easy, family-friendly tour offers many highlights: two native forest areas, a record-breaking silver fir, a quaint and relaxed rest point as well as wild woodland and streams galore. On easy trails with few vertical meters, the tour goes from Zwieslerwaldhaus to the native forest areas Mittelsteighütte and Hans-Watzlik-Hain, via Schwellhäusl and along Schwellsteig back again.
Advice: Easy, family-friendly tour with few vertical meters. Refreshment at Schwellhäusl (Please inform about the opening hours).
Local public transport network:
Igelbus stop Zwieslerwaldhaus, Altes Zollhaus
(Falkenstein bus, line 7150)
For timetables see:
Parking area P1 Zwieslerwaldhaus
Zwieslerwaldhaus 2
94227 Lindberg
Zwieslerwaldhaus – Mittelsteighütte – Parking area Brechhäuslau – Hans-Watzlik-Hain featuring Große Waldhaustanne – Trifterklause Schwellhäsul – Schwellsteig – Parking area Brechhäuslau – Zwieslerwaldhaus
Tour description:
We start at parking area 1 in Zwieslerwaldhaus. We cross Waldhausstraße and follow the sign ‘Ameise’ towards native forest area Mittelsteighütte. At the outskirts of the village, the path goes nearly flat in northerly direction and after around 15 minutes we reach Mittelsteighütte. For more than 100 years now, the native forest area is a sanctuary that impresses with its tremendous trees and gigantic deadwood trunks.
After crossing Mittelsteighütte, we reach the street that crosses Zwieslerwaldhaus again and cross it. We follow the sign ‘Siebenschläfer’ to parking area Brechhäuslau. There we turn right and continue westwards along the mark ‘Schwarzstorch’ towards Schwellhäusl.
We cross the river Deffernik in a hollow and come to a crossroads. We choose the right path of circular trail ‘Ameise’ that leads to a broad gravelroad. After a few hundred meters, we get to the native forest area Hans-Watzlik-Hain. With the information given on an information board, we understand what makes this area so special. Especially the so-called Große Waldhaustanne, a over 50 m tall silver fir, is an impressive sight.
From there a narrow path goes straight through the primeval forest, parallel to the forest road (Warning: There is no mark or sign. In case of snow, use the path only, if there is an existing snowshoe lane made by national park rangers!). When we get back to a wide gravelroad, we keep left and go onwards to Schwellhäusl. The rest point is quaintly situated at the Schmalzbach-Schwelle (745 meters above sea level), an old timber drift dam. Near the riverbank, we often can see trees that have been gnawed at. That is a typical sign for the existence of beavers. Schwellhäusl offers a quaint atmosphere and hearty bavarian-bohemian dishes. There is a huge children’s outdoor playground as well.
After our well-deserved break, we head back and again follow the mark ‘Schwarzstorch’ but this time towards Brechhäuslau. On the Schwellsteig, alongside the former timber drift canal, we easily get back to the crossroads nearby the bridge across river Deffernik. We turn right, go to parking area Brechhäuslau and turn immediately right again on to the hiking trail with the sign ‘Siebenschläfer’. After about 2 km, we are back at parking area 1 in Zwieslerwaldhaus.
Correct on the go – all the time:

  • Always ensure to have good equipment: card, helmet, something to drink, first aid kit, tire repair kit, bad weather clothing.
  • Beware of falling trees and deadwood! The use of the path is at your own risk. In case of strong wind, please leave the forest for safety reasons.
  • Path regulations in order to protect endangered plants and animals in certain areas of the national park. Leaving the signposted ways is prohibited

Did you know it?
Native forest area Mittelsteighütte
Imposing giant trees, tiny shoots and moss-covered deadwood characterize this forest. More than 100 years ago, the Mittelsteighütte was declared a sanctuary. In 1939 finally, the forest was put under protection. The 45-hectare mixed mountain forest of spruce, fir and beech is an important retreat for primeval relict species. These are animals, plants and fungi that need these special structures as a habitat and a high proportion of deadwood.
The primeval Hans-Watzlik-Hain can be crossed on the way to Schwellhäusl. Named after a Bohemian poet, the Hans-Watzlik-Hain is home to ancient tree giants, including the oldest tree within the Bavarian Forest National Park, the so called Große Waldhaustanne. It has a circumference of more than 6.50 meters and a height of 53 meters. On the ‘Grünes Dreieck’ hiking route, you can make a small detour that leads through the middle of the wilderness with its standing and lying tree giants. In 1950, the primeval forest was already under protection.
The historic Trifterklause is a popular attraction in Bavarian Forest National Park.
The rest point is quaintly situated at the Schmalzbach-Schwelle, an old timber drift dam in the middle of the Bavarian Forest National Park. The Schwellhäusl was originally built as a lodging house for forestry workers. It is right next to a crossroads of many hiking trails and cycle paths. The innkeeper’s family provides delicious food and drinks to excursionists almost all year round.

Good to know

Best to visit

Depends on weather

Tour information

  • Culinary Interesting

  • Familiy-Friendly

  • Good Connection to public Transport

  • Loop Road

  • Loop Road

  • Nature Highlight

  • Stop at an Inn

  • Suitable for Pushchair

  • Suitable for Winter

Contact person

Nationalparkzentrum Falkenstein
Haus zur Wildnis
94227 Lindberg


Nationalparkverwaltung Bayerischer Wald
Freyunger Str. 2
94481 Grafenau


Nationalparkverwaltung Bayerischer Wald


Getting there

Into primeval forest around Zwieslerwaldhaus
Parkplatz P1 Zwieslerwaldhaus
94227 Lindberg