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- 02:05 h
- 7.27 km
- 167 m
- 167 m
- 204 m
- 368 m
- 164 m
- Start: Waldhaus Dubeke
- Destination: Durbeke Forest House
The natural heritage trail starts and ends at the Durbeke forest house. From Altenbeken train station, a bus will take you directly to the starting point of your hike (Forsthaus Durbeke bus stop). Of course, there is also a hiking parking lot nearby.
At Waldhaus Durbeke, first cross the bridge and then follow the path along the edge of the forest for about one kilometer. The trail then climbs steeply to the right into the forest around the Kleiner Kobbennacken and after around 3.5 kilometers you have reached the highest point of your hiking tour at 368 m. Around two thirds of the trees here are more than 120 years old. From the Burenlinde, the trail leads you around the Vorderer Kobbennacken back to the starting point.Good to know
Best to visit
Depends on weather
Follow the light brown markings of the natural heritage trail from Waldhaus Durbeke around the Kobbennacken. There are steep climbs and great views along the way.
Tour information
Loop Road
Sturdy shoes
Directions & Parking facilities
Coming from Paderborn via Neuenbeken on the L 755, turn left to Waldhaus Durbeke (Navi: Altenbeken, Am Hammer).
There are a few parking options at Waldhaus Durbeke, more about 500 meters away at the Durbeke hiking parking lot.
Bus stop: Altenbeken Durbekeweg; train stop: Altenbeken.
Convenient arrival by train to Altenbeken. Continue with the bus line (R431) to Waldhaus Durbeke. An overview of bus stops can be found here.
Nahverkehrsverbund Paderborn/Höxter
Always know what's running: The smart number for buses and trains in NRW 01803 504030 (timetable information for €0.09/min. from a German landline, mobile max. €0.42/min.)
Convenient arrival by train to Altenbeken. Continue with the bus line (R431) to Waldhaus Durbeke. An overview of bus stops can be found here.
Nahverkehrsverbund Paderborn/Höxter
Always know what's running: The smart number for buses and trains in NRW 01803 504030 (timetable information for €0.09/min. from a German landline, mobile max. €0.42/min.)
Additional information
Further information can be found at
Marion Wessels
Gemeinde Altenbeken
Author´s Tip / Recommendation of the author
At Waldhaus Durbeke you will find a rustic picnic area and an insect hotel.
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