Sauer Valley Cycle Route



61.20 km long
Difficulty: easy
  • 05:00 h
  • 441 m
  • 375 m
  • 133 m
  • 213 m
  • 80 m
  • 61.20 km
  • Start: Wasserbillgerbrück/Wasserbillig
  • Destination: Ettelbrück (Luxemburg)
Wasserbilligerbrück/Wasserbillig - Ettelbrück

The Sauer Valley Cycle Route begins in Wasserbillig and runs along a disused railway line, through a beautiful landscape of vineyards and picturesque villages in the Luxembourgish countryside. It’s interesting to note that around 200m of the route between Metzdorf and Wintersdorf is mounted on stilts in order to protect the valuable wetland underneath.

You’ll also be impressed by the 336m long Ralinger tunnel, which dates back to 1914 and is naturally lit. The route continues through a landscape of diverse natural beauty and passes the towns of Echternach and Bollendorf, where you might want to stay a while. Bollendorf’s main attraction is Bollendorf Castle, built in 1619. It was once the summer residence of the Echternach convent. 

If you can’t decide which side of the Sauer to cycle on, don’t worry – there are plenty of bridges which you can use to cross to the other side.

Good to know

Best to visit

Depends on weather


Eifel Tourismus GmbH


Getting there
Eifel Tourismus GmbH
Kalvarienbergstraße 1
54595 Prüm