
6.65 km long
round trip
Difficulty: easy
condition: very easy
  • 01:55 h
  • 148 m
  • 149 m
  • 383 m
  • 524 m
  • 141 m
  • 6.65 km
  • Start: Parkplatz am Forsthaus in Lückendorf
  • Destination: Parkplatz am Forsthaus in Lückendorf

Hello, I am Freda (the brave and strong one), Lapius (grandpa Lapius - lapis in Latin means stone), the small wandering stone

... and I will accompany you on the adventure hikes to The Mouse Trap (Mausefalle), The Elephant Rocks (Elefantensteine) and The Fox’s Pulpit (Fuchskanzel). There is a lot to discover in the Zittau Mountains. The shape of some sandstone rocks is reminiscent of a pigeon, a rhino, a lion and even a hen sitting on eggs. Such curious creations can be marvelled at in the Jonsdorf millstone quarries, among others. There are also rock formations called The Organ (Orgel), The Teapot (Teekanne) or The Three Brothers (Drei Brüder). Between the spa town of Oybin and Mount Töpfer, part of the path through the Stone Zoo (Steinzoo) is even suitable for a visit with prams. Around The Fox’s Pulpit in the air spa of Jonsdorf, looking for the animals can be combined with a detour to the Karlsfried Castle ruins. How were the rock formations actually created and who is Freda? You will find this information in my story starting from page 10 onwards. The first part will help your parents with planning and orientation. You can also find all the routes online for download at

Beginning at the Forsthaus Lückendorf car park (identified by an information board featuring a small knight), the route commences in an eastward direction, crosses the S132 road, and then proceeds along the hiking trails marked with red and yellow circle trail markers. At the junction, continue along the path marked with a red circle trail marker towards The Fox's Pulpit (Fuchskanzel). The route then proceeds to The Owl Stones (Uhusteinen) and The Diana Wall (Dianawand). From that point, keep following the path marked with a red circle trail marker to reach the Karlsfried castle ruins. The route will then lead you to the intersection with the yellow circle hiking trail (Kiefergrund). By following the yellow circle trail markers once more, head eastward and pass by another climbing rock (Weißbachturm), entering the Weißbachtal valley. From here, continue following the yellow line or circle trail marker in a southern direction along the German-Czech border until you reach the Bohemian Gate (Česká Brána). The Bohemian Gate (a rock formation) is situated approximately 100 meters beyond the barrier, within Czech territory (signposted). At the Bohemian Gate, the route proceeds in a southwesterly direction, following the yellow line or circle trail marker (Steinigter Weg). It eventually intersects with the Ringelshainer Weg trail, which leads in a westerly direction towards the Forsthaus car park, marking the starting point of the journey.

Good to know

Best to visit

Depends on weather


Beginnend vom Parkplatz Forsthaus Lückendorf (Infotafel mit dem kleinen Ritter) startet die Tour in Richtung Osten, quert die S132 und folgt den Wanderwegen Roter Punkt / Gelber Punkt. Dann folgt die Tour dem Roten Punkt zur Fuchskanzel und weiter zu den Uhusteinen und der Dianawand. Von dort aus folgt die Tour weiter dem Roten Punkt bis zur Burgruine Karlsfried und trifft danach auf den Wanderweg Gelber Punkt (Kiefergrund). Diesem folgt die Tour wiederum in Richtung Osten, vorbei an einem weiteren Kletterfelsen, den Weißbachturm, in das Weißbachtal und folgt dem Gelben Strich / Punkt nun in Richtung Süden entlang der deutsch-tschechischen Grenze bis zum Böhmischen Tor. Das eigentliche „Böhmische Tor“ (eine Felsformation) befindet sich etwa 100 m hinter der Schranke auf tschechischem Gebiet (ist auch auf dem Wegweiser vermerkt). Die Tour folgt beim Böhmischen Tor weiter dem Gelben Strich / Punkt (Steinigter Weg) in Richtung Südwest und trifft auf den Ringelshainer Weg, dem sie nach Westen folgt, zum Parkplatz am Forsthaus, dem Ausgangspunkt.


Wegmarkierung: Logo Uhu

Tour information

  • Loop Road


Pack comfortable hiking-boots!

Directions & Parking facilities

Mit dem Auto von Zittau über Eichgraben nach Lückendorf.

Für die Anfahrt mit dem fahrrad finden Sie interessante Informationen in unserem Radflyer.

Parkplatz Forsthaus Lückendorf
Mit der Buslinie 7 vom Zittauer Bahnhof bis nach Lückendorf Forsthaus.

Additional information

LAPIUS HAS ANOTHER SECRET TIP: On your tour, take a short detour to the Czech Republic to visit the Bohemian Gate.


Broschüre : Steinzoo - Wandern in Familie


Tourismuszentrum Naturpark Zittauer Gebirge GmbH


Das Landschaftswunderland Oberlausitz

Author´s Tip / Recommendation of the author

• Ruins of the castle of the bandit knights Karlsfried • Baroque village church in Lückendorf • Local playground • Sudetenblick panoramic viewpoint

Safety guidelines

Watch your step!


Getting there
02797 Oybin