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- 01:20 h
- 16.56 km
- 226 m
- 226 m
- 85 m
- 233 m
- 148 m
- Start: Citizens' solar system at the sports hall of the Rödinghausen comprehensive school, An der Stertwelle 34-38.
- Destination: Citizens' solar system at the sports hall of the Rödinghausen comprehensive school, An der Stertwelle 34-38.
The nature tour through Rödinghausen starts at the Bürger-Solaranlage and leads past valleys and streams to the old fruit tree avenue on Waghoster Straße. With a bit of luck, you can fortify yourself with fresh fruit and continue to the beautiful old pollarded willows along the Grenzbach stream. Wind turbines at Hagsbrink point the way to the largest orchard far and wide. After a brief glimpse into the Habighorst meadow valley, the route leads partly on grass paths past farmsteads with old oak trees, historic mill sites and beautiful views as far as the Wiehengebirge mountains. Quarries, spruce forests and coppice woodland accompany you on this somewhat strenuous section. The route descends past the old knacker's yard and under the railroad. Shortly before the end of the route, the trail crosses the "Große Aue" stream, which makes its way north through the Wiehengebirge mountains.
Further information on the route and the waypoints can be found on the Herford district cycling leisure website: An audioguide and a brochure are also available for download there.Good to know
Best to visit
The tour starts at the Bürger Solaranlage near the Häcker Wiehenstadion. From there, the route heads south via Böschenbrock, Am Bahnhof to Bieren, where the pollarded willows are located. The route then leads via Südholz, the wind turbines and the Habighorster Wiesental nature reserve to Altenhüffen. The route continues north via the Landwehrbach stream into the Wiehengebierge to the old quarry. Slightly below the ridge path, the trail leads through coppice forest and leaves the mountains at the former quarry. It returns to the starting point via Stukenhöfen and the Auebachtal nature reserve.
The route follows the roads:
- At the Stertwelle
- In the village
- Green road
- Böschenfeldweg
- Im Kracht
- Waghorster Straße
- Bahnhofstraße
- Lohmühlenweg
- Böckelfeld
- Südholzerstraße
- Habighorsterweg
- Am Röbekamp
- Bicycle path Am Röekamp
- Bunte-Mühlen-Weg
- Köttenweg (cycle path)
- Köttenweg (road)
- Rabattenweg
- Bremer Straße
- Oberbauerschafter Straße
- Bicycle path
- In front of the trees
- Zur Schönen Aussicht (forest path)
- In the Osterberg
- Schluchtenweg
- Mühlenkamp
- Am Klief
- Rabenauweg
- Knüwelweg
- Stockenhöfener Straße
- Auf der Drift
- At the Stertwelle
Tour information
Loop Road
Stop at an Inn
Directions & Parking facilities
Additional information
Brochure: From the Bürger-Solaranlage to the Große Aue(nature tours)
Touristikgemeinschaft Wittekindsland e.V.
Touristikgemeinschaft Wittekindsland Herford e.V.
Author´s Tip / Recommendation of the author
For the Rödinghausen Nature Tour, the Ravensberg Biological Station has selected 19 special features to accompany the route:
- Start/finish: The citizen solar plant
- Formerly Siek - now a field
- Fruit for everyone
- Heading willows on the border stream
- Wind turbines
- The largest orchard meadow in the Herford district
- Forest and grassland development in the Habighorster Wiesental
- Yard sites with old oak trees, natural stone walls and cottages
- Grass paths and panoramic views of the Wiehengebirge/Ravensberger Hügelland
- The colorful mill
- Knickmühle and Göpel - both gone today
- Renaturalization of the Landwehrbach
- Former nature park - now "TERRA.vita"
- Old quarry - insight into the Wiehengebirge
- Spruce forest and "cultural women"
- Lowland forest
- Covering, robbers and drudges
- A railroad line through the Wiehengebirge
- The floodplain of the Große Aue
You can find more detailed descriptions under the excursion destinations in the Teutonavigator or under:
Safety guidelines
1. cycling on the cycle routes is at your own risk, everyone is responsible for themselves.
2. the road traffic regulations apply to all cyclists
.3. a roadworthy bicycle must be used for the cycle tours.
4. The wearing of a bicycle helmet is recommended.