2-Meister-Conditorei Mangold



Konditorei Mangold stands for high-quality products and the best service.
In a sweet alliance, master confectioners Cornelia and Florian Mangold create truffle pralines, hand-scooped chocolates, fine pastries and fruit spreads - all specialties of Café Mangold. The café - located directly on Bad Lauterberg's promenade and main shopping street - also offers the popular breakfast. The huge selection at the ChocoCult chocolaterie will make chocolate fans' hearts beat faster.

The following products have been awarded the "Typically Harz" regional brand:

  • Fruit spread with Schierker Feuerstein
  • Lauterberger Lehm
  • Harzer Blätter
  • Schierker Feuerstein Trüffel
Probably the sweetest Typisch Harz story revolves around the confectioner couple Mangold, who provide sweet moments in Bad Lauterberg.

Good to know


Harzer Tourismusverband e.V.
Marktstraße 45
D-38640 Goslar


Harzer Tourismusverband e.V.


Getting there

2-Meister-Conditorei Mangold
Hauptstraße 142-144
37431 Bad Lauterberg im Harz