Mouse hunting in Stolpen's city centre - an experience for the whole family! With a map of the city and a small booklet, children between 5 and 12 can go on a little mouse safari. Konrad Kommunale, Sweet Berta, Franz Friedhelm Blitz and the 17 other basalt mice are hiding on railings, window ledges, fountains and lanterns, waiting to be tracked down by the children. In the mice booklet they tell their very personal story and there is a question for each story. Whoever solves the puzzle completely gets to pick up a surprise. The map and booklet for the game are available at various places in the town centre, including the Stolpen Information Centre and the pharmacy on weekdays, as well as at the ticket office of Stolpen Castle or at the Lietze Estate. The small mouse safari takes about 1 hour, the big game round about 2 hours.
Good to know
Price info
A nominal fee of EUR 3.00 will be charged for the match documents.
Contact person
Zentrumsmanagement Stolpen Kernstadt
Ms. Simone Schöne
Tourismusverband Sächsische Schweiz e.V.
Nicole Hesse
Tourismusverband Sächsische Schweiz e.V.