Eier- und Wurstverkauf Hof Reuer



Farm shop
A warm welcome
In a small room on the Reuer farm, outside the opening hours of the farm store, you can find eggs and sausages for self-service. Sometimes there are also jams, depending on the season and what is available. The eggs are available in two different sizes and price categories. Everything is explained in detail on signs. Used egg cartons are gladly taken back. There is a deposit for the jars, but this can only be returned to the farm store. Payment is made in cash at the small cash desk. Please have enough small change with you, as there is no change here.

Good to know


Contact person

Family Reuer
Im Dorfe 6
38162 Cremlingen


Nördliches Harzvorland Tourismusverband e. V.
Löwenstraße 1
38300 Wolfenbüttel


Nördliches Harzvorland Tourismusverband e. V.


Getting there

Eier- und Wurstverkauf Hof Reuer
Im Dorfe 6
38162 Cremlingen