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Good to know
At the Köchy family's riding stables, there is not only an egg cupboard in a well-signposted room, but also another special cupboard with grandma's jams. The egg cupboard has a price list and the cash register is on the cupboard.
The jam cupboard offers traditional varieties such as raspberry or strawberry as well as more unusual varieties such as quince jelly, grape or plum port. All these varieties are prepared with love by Grandma Köchy. The cash register for the fruit spreads is located on the shelf itself. Payment is made in cash at both tills. Please have enough small change with you, as there is no change.
The jam cupboard offers traditional varieties such as raspberry or strawberry as well as more unusual varieties such as quince jelly, grape or plum port. All these varieties are prepared with love by Grandma Köchy. The cash register for the fruit spreads is located on the shelf itself. Payment is made in cash at both tills. Please have enough small change with you, as there is no change.
Good to know
Contact person
Nördliches Harzvorland Tourismusverband e. V.
Löwenstraße 1
38300 Wolfenbüttel
Nördliches Harzvorland Tourismusverband e. V.