St. Kornelius



St. Kornelius is not only the priory church, but also a pilgrimage church in Kornelimünster.

The church was founded during the 9th century. The former church of the Benedictine monastery was given its current form by further extensions and alterations during the course of the centuries. The main attraction for many pilgrims and tourists are the “Salvator reliquaries”, which were removed by Ludwig the Pious, the son of Charlemagne the Great, from today's Aachen Cathedral and taken to Kornelimünster. A piece of cloth from the Holy Jesus, the burial cloth and the cloth used to wipe his face make the church a popular pilgrimage destination. The Kornelius chapel, which was built in 1706, becomes a place of pilgrimage every eight years, the “Kornelius Oktav”. Due to its importance, the church became a priory church in about 1930.

Good to know


  • Bad Weather Offer

  • for Groups

  • for individual guests

  • Suitable for the Elderly

Hygiene and infection safety measures

  • Distance control

  • Mouth-nose covering compulsory


aachen tourist service e.v.
Markt 45-47
52062 Aachen


aachen tourist service e.v.


Getting there

St. Kornelius
Benediktusplatz 11
52076 Aachen - Kornelimünster