As well as the atmosphere, it’s the unusual films shown in the Viktoria cinema that make it popular among visitors, and which make it stand out. The cinema’s unusual, high-calibre annual film programme and the children’s and young adults’ film programme, have won it awards at the German federal and regional North Rhine-Westphalian level for many years. A special children's cinema, school & cinema, the “KinoKino” film series with women in strong roles, as well as other special offers, continue to attract audiences to “our Viktoria”. Since 2009, a special programme “without age limit” has been offered for the older generation. The Viktoria cinema will even organise an exclusive film showing for you and your guests, as a birthday celebration, for example. As you can see (or as you should see some time): in the Viktoria, the art of film is still taken literally. However, Hollywood blockbusters and other film styles are also shown. The cinema manager, Jochen Manderbach, also likes to organise special extra events related to a film, such as the visit in October 2008 by AMOR, a distant relative of WALL-E.
The Viktoria Filmtheater shows around 250 films a year in all. It attracts around 40,000 visitors every year with its overall cultural entertainment package.
See for yourself what the cinema currently has to offer for your senses...
Good to know
Price info
Adults & Teens (from 12 years): 7,00 €
Super Cinema Tuesday: 5,00 €
Children (up to and including 11 years): 5,00 €
Super Cinema Tuesday: 4,00 €
Adults & Adolescents ( from 12 years): 9,00 €
Super Cinema Tuesday: 7,00 €
Children (up to and including 11 years): 6,00 €
Super Cinema Tuesday: 5,00 €
Five-ticket parquet (non-transferrable) : 30,00 € Surcharge for balcony 1,00 €
Children's cinema, free choice of seat: 4,00 €
Cinema pass, free, valid for 1 person, non-transferable 10 x cinema pay, 1 x free admission
Children with KNAX or AWO Kids badge receive 0,50 € discount
Susanne Träger
Stadt Hilchenbach