Circular route ‘Haustaube’ (Domestic pigeon) - Extended Walk around Neuschönau



6.90 km long
round trip
Difficulty: easy
  • 02:00 h
  • 155 m
  • 155 m
  • 6.90 km
  • Start: National Park Center Lusen, Böhmstr. 35, 94556 Neuschönau
  • Destination: National Park Center Lusen, Böhmstr. 35, 94556 Neuschönau
Extended Walk around Neuschönau
On the extended walk starting from the Nationalparkzentrum Lusen (National Park Centre), you'll pass through various districts of Neuschönau, as well as through idyllic forests on the edge of the national park. A rest stop is available at the bathing pond in Neuschönau.

Good to know

Best to visit

Depends on weather

Tour information

  • Good Connection to public Transport

  • Labelling

  • Loop Road

  • Loop Road

Contact person

Nationalparkzentrum Lusen
Böhmstraße 35
94556 Neuschönau


Nationalparkverwaltung Bayerischer Wald
Freyunger Str. 2
94481 Grafenau


Nationalparkverwaltung Bayerischer Wald
Getting there
Circular route ‘Haustaube’ (Domestic pigeon) - Extended Walk around Neuschönau
Böhmstraße 35
94556 Neuschönau