Eifelsteig Stage 11



23.40 km long
Difficulty: difficult
  • 07:00 h
  • 564 m
  • 652 m
  • 310 m
  • 561 m
  • 251 m
  • 23.40 km
  • Start: Daun
  • Destination: Manderscheid
The 11th stage of the Eifelsteig leads from Daun to Manderscheid

The eleventh stage of the Eifelsteig runs from Daun to the castle town of Manderscheid.
Today, your hike starts out gently along the first few metres through the Kurpark in Daun. But you soon realise that the landscape here must have had a fiery past. There is a particular atmosphere here, mystical and powerful. Step by step, you hike up to the first elevation and see something glittering between the trees. It is Gemündener Maar - a volcanic lake. You just know something dramatic must have happened here! Mighty explosions and fire from the earth’s interior blew holes in the earth and piled up mountains here in the Eifel. The holes are called “Maare” and some have filled up with water over time. How still and dark the water is, and fascinating too. You continue uphill to the summit of the crater’s edge and discover another Maar, Weinfelder Maar (also called Totenmaar). Up here, you will find the stone Dronketurm and can climb the steps to the viewing tower with ease. You allow your gaze to wander over the vibrant landscape of the volcanic Eifel. What an amazing feeling! But then you hear something: did anyone notice that? Yes! On the Weinfelder Maar meadows, goats are used as landscapers. Along a narrow path it’s downhill again to the Schalkenmehrener Maar, with the village of the same name on its banks. All three lakes together are also called Dauner Maare. After Schalkenmehren the hike leads you into the green valley of the Lieser. The picturesque little river ripples down to the valley. You share the valley with nature alone, listening to the birds singing and the gentle sound of the water. The long valley accompanies you to your stage destination in the castle town of Manderscheid. Just before Manderscheid, you follow the rocky path and catch a first glimpse of the Manderscheid Upper Castle.

Good to know

Best to visit

Depends on weather


Eifel Tourismus GmbH, IW


Getting there
Eifel Tourismus GmbH
Kalvarienbergstraße 1
54595 Prüm