- 04:15 h
- 550 m
- 550 m
- 12.00 km
- Start: Igelbus stop and parking lot Fredenbrücke, close to Waldhäuser, 94556 Neuschönau
- Destination: Igelbus stop and parking lot Fredenbrücke, close to Waldhäuser, 94556 Neuschönau
The exhausting tour up to Lusen summit displays the variety of nature. The small stream Kleine Ohe, the idyllic Martinsklause und the mystic Teufelsloch are on our way, before the steep Himmelsleiter takes us right onto the boulder cluttered Lusen summit. According to a legend, the devil himself has piled up those rocks. After a break at Lusenschutzhaus, we start our descent.
Good to know
Best to visit
Depends on weather
Tour information
Loop Road
Loop Road
Nature Highlight
Stop at an Inn
Contact person
Nationalparkverwaltung Bayerischer Wald
Freyunger Str. 2
94481 Grafenau
Nationalparkverwaltung Bayerischer Wald