Photos & Map
How would you like to arrive?
Good to know
- 02:38 h
- 9.02 km
- 214 m
- 208 m
- 173 m
- 352 m
- 179 m
- Start: Parking lot at the church, Homeiener Straße 1, 32694 Dörentrup-Hillentrup
- Destination: Parking lot at the church, Homeiener Straße 1, 32694 Dörentrup-Hillentrup
It leads from Hillentrup via Homeien to Kleeberg and up to the wind turbines. The view makes up for the climb. From here, the trail flattens out and is mostly downhill. An old hollow path on the Krubberg is a special experience. The trail is not suitable for baby carriages and requires a certain level of fitness.
Good to know
Best to visit
Depends on weather
Contact person
Lippe Tourismus & Marketing GmbH
Mr. Jan Wisomiersky
Grotenburg 52
32760 Detmold
Lippe Tourismus & Marketing GmbH
Herr Jan Wisomiersky
Grotenburg 52
32760 Detmold