Walderlebnispfad "Brücken durchs Moor" Knesebeck




3.35 km long
round trip
Difficulty: easy
  • 00:50 h
  • 3.35 km
  • 69 m
  • 72 m
  • 3 m
  • Start: Burgstraße 5, 29379 Knesebeck
  • Destination: Burgstraße 5, 29379 Knesebeck

Waldderlebnispfad "Brücken durchs Moor" Knesebeck - It's almost as if the forest itself is telling the story


An exciting hike leads from bridge to bridge through the swampy forest of the Bornbruchmoor in Knesebeck. Several attractive stations help you to discover the diversity of the forest in a playful and puzzling way. Interactive information elements convey key messages to children and families in terms of education for sustainable development. The content is conveyed in an easy-to-understand yet challenging way, with large drawings and simple illustrations as well as interesting opportunities for interaction and play. The so-called 12-bridge trail, an approximately 800-metre-long, very scenic section of the Knesebeck forest adventure trail, lives up to its popular name with the bridges it features. The "bridges" make it easy to recognize old water courses along the path. Balancing over tree trunks, walking on the wobbly footbridge or assigning the correct fruit to the leaves of the trees on a revolving board - these are just some of the various stations that visitors to the forest will encounter on the forest nature trail. The trail starts at the Haus der Landschaft in Knesebeck. From there, the trail follows a 3.5 km signposted circular route through the Bornbruchsmoor. Guided tours on the forest adventure trail for school classes, groups or individuals by prior arrangement on tel. 05834 - 1402. The tours are free of charge, a small donation is requested.

Good to know

Best to visit

Depends on weather

Tour information

  • Loop Road

  • Loop Road


Jörn Pache, Südheide Gifhorn GmbH


Allianz für die Region GmbH


Getting there

Walderlebnispfad "Brücken durchs Moor" Knesebeck
29378 Wittingen