Grenzlandweg Grünes Band




5.72 km long
Difficulty: easy
  • 01:20 h
  • 5.72 km
  • 8 m
  • 8 m
  • 76 m
  • 84 m
  • 8 m
  • Start: Radener Deele parking lot, Rade 32, 29378 Wittingen
  • Destination: Radener Deele parking lot, Rade 32, 29378 Wittingen

The almost six-kilometer journey into the past begins at the Radener Deele car park

From here, it is only a few steps towards the forest, where a large wooden sign and an information board point the way to the former border between Rade and Waddekath. In the forest, you will come across old border installations and information boards that keep the memory of the former German-German border alive. A small path leads from there to the remains of the border wall and a one-man bunker. Those who turn their backs on both literally leave the past behind them. The border walk now leads north along the former border on the east side and back to Rade on the west side. Unthinkable in the days of a divided Germany. While your thoughts wander into the past, you follow the Kolonnenweg along the former border trench. Again and again, the view opens up over meadows and fields, interrupted by woods and groves. Back in Rade, the trail leads through the middle of the village, past the free-standing bell to the starting point at Radener Deele.

Good to know

Best to visit

Depends on weather

Tour information

  • Familiy-Friendly


Jörn Pache, Südheide Gifhorn GmbH


Allianz für die Region GmbH


Getting there

Grenzlandweg Grünes Band
29378 Wittingen