How would you like to arrive?
- 04:30 h
- 287 m
- 307 m
- 98 m
- 309 m
- 211 m
- 16.24 km
- Start: HalleWestphalia station
- Destination: Town center of Steinhagen
This stage takes you through pure nature. Shortly after the start in the center of Halle, you reach the city forest. Here, the coffee mill is the first tempting vantage point. Then it's uphill past the quarry to the Hermannshöhen and the Werther Schanze. From the ridgeway of the Hengeberges, you can also enjoy the view of the countryside. From Gottesberg you hike to Jakobsberg, known as Leberblümchenberg. The stage ends in the center of Steinhagen.
Good to know
Best to visit
Halle train station - Halle town center - Stadtwald/Kaffeemühle - Himmelsleiter - Lotteberg - quarry - Hermannshöhen - Werther Schanze - Hengeberg - Gottesberg - Jakobsberg nature reserve - "Schmecken" rest area - B68 - Steinhagen town centre
The hiking trail is well signposted in both directions. Please follow the red and white signs with the inscription 'Weg für Genießer' and the 'G'.
Tour information
Stop at an Inn
Directions & Parking facilities
Train station Halle (Westphalia)
Always know what's running: The smart number for buses and trains in NRW 01803 504030 (timetable information for €0.09/min. from a German landline, mobile max. €0.42/min.)
Additional information
City of HalleWestphalia, tel. 05201 183129,
Community of Steinhagen, Tel. 05204 9970,
More information
Due to construction work, the Alte Kirchstraße in Steinhagen is currently impassable. Please follow Bahnhofstraße to get from Kirchplatz to Bürgerpark. (Status: 02.08.2022)
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Weg für Genießer, c/o pro Wirtschaft GT GmbH
pro Wirtschaft GT GmbH
Author´s Tip / Recommendation of the author
In early spring, from around the end of March, a natural spectacle can be admired on the Jakobsberg for around three weeks: The liverwort, which is rarely found nowadays and is therefore strictly protected, can be admired in large carpets of flowers during this period.
Safety guidelines
Hiking experience "Borgholzhausen - Versmold - Halle - Werther - Steinhagen & Bielefeld" (2014), publisher: Natur- und Geopark TERRA.vita, ISBN 978-3-945096-01-7, 5,80€