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- 02:00 h
- 22 m
- 22 m
- 181 m
- 203 m
- 22 m
- 5.05 km
- Start: Obermarkt, Görlitz
- Destination: Obermarkt, Görlitz
This tour through the city of Görlitz will take you to the most beautiful playgrounds for children as well as to sights for interested adults. Noteworthy are for example the Holy Sepulchre, a copy of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem or the St. Nicholas‘ Tower (Nikolaiturm), the oldest tower in Görlitz. During this tour you will pass St. Peter's Church with its unique "Sun Organ". Visitors are invited to enjoy regular public organ presentations, which are called “Orgel Punkt 12” from April to October every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday at 12 o’clock.
From the playground in Uferstraße you will have a great view of the Old Town Bridge, which has been connecting the Polish part and the German part of the city since 2004.
A beautiful park, called Ochsenbastei, is located above the playground. A very special playground can be discovered in the city park. It was created by "Kulturinsel Einsiedel" and is a real unicum! The Meridianstein (Meridian Stone) is also located in the city park, becauce the 15th meridian runs through Görlitz.
Good to know
Best to visit
Go back via Nikolaistraße and pass St. Peter's Church to reach the Old Town Bridge (Altstadtbrücke). The pedestrian bridge connects the two parts of the European City Görlitz/Zgorzelec and is a symbol for the two cities growing together.
Now walk along the Polish bank of the Neisse River towards ul. Cienista, where another playground is located south of the "John Paul II" city bridge. It was created in 2013. It is easily accessible via the pathes in the park of the Neisse Park, which is located to the west of the Dom Kultury. Walk via the city bridge back to Görlitz and into the city park, where you will find one of the most beautiful playgrounds in Görlitz. Finally follow Uferstraße along the Uferpark towards old town. Here you can visit another playground at the Ochsenbastei. The Ochsenbastei is a green area between the former inner and outer city wall. From here it's only a few minutes to walk to Obermarkt.
Information: If you don't want to go to the Polish side, you can walk from the Old Town Bridge along Uferstraße in the direction of the city park.
Tour information
Loop Road
Stop at an Inn
Suitable for Pushchair
Directions & Parking facilities
Current information on how to get to Görlitz at:
Take tram line 1 or 2 to Jägerkaserne stop, walk about 5 minutes via Langenstraße and Breitestraße to Obermarkt.
More information at:
Additional information
Europastadt GörlitzZgorzelec GmbH
Das Landschaftswunderland Oberlausitz
Author´s Tip / Recommendation of the author
Safety guidelines
Please pay attention to the signs at the playgrounds.
As you will also visit the Polish part of the city during the tour, all family members have to have an identity document with them.