BBS Einbeck



The BBS Einbeck offers a wide range of educational opportunities for young people in the district of Northeim.

The vocational schools in Einbeck are divided into 4 different subject areas:
  • Vocational grammar schools (technology, social pedagogy, ecotrophology, economics)
  • Vocational entry schools (language & integration, home economics & nursing, color and wood technology)
  • Vocational technical schools (economics & information processing, office management, social pedagogical assistance, nursing assistance, nursing, home economics & nursing, color & interior design)
  • Vocational schools (plant technology, painter:in & painter:in, IT professions, retail, industrial clerks)
In 2020, BBS Einbeck became the winner of the German School Award. In March 2021, the BBS had around 1300 students, spread across 65 classes and 94 teachers as well as 7 other employees. At this school, it is not only possible to obtain vocational-dual qualifications as part of an apprenticeship, but also all other school-leaving qualifications, from the Hauptschulabschluss to the Allgemeine Hochschulreife.

The BBS Einbeck also has its own library. There is also a school restaurant, a school kiosk and school water. This provides students with treats and drinks during the breaks. During the lunch break, a warm, freshly prepared lunch is available on site.

The school kiosk and the school restaurant are open alternately during certain breaks from Mondays to Thursdays.

The mission statement of the vocational training center includes points such as a constant revision of the educational offer, the best possible learning conditions, promotion of general education and personal responsibility and continuous further training of teachers.


Good to know


The current opening hours of the school and the secretariat can be found on the BBS website. Please note that the opening hours may vary during the school vacations in Lower Saxony.
Dayoff: Saturday, Sunday


  • for Class

Foreign Language


Other Furnishing/Equipment

  • Barrier-free access

Social Media


Tourist-Information Einbeck
Marktstraße 13
37574 Einbeck


Tourist-Information Einbeck


Getting there

Berufsbildende Schulen Einbeck
Hullerser Tor 4
37574 Einbeck