St. Peter's Lutheran Church Bad Gottleuba



The Lutheran St. Petri Church in Bad Gottleuba, a historic house of worship from the 16th century

The simple, Gothic architecture is made of quarry stone and sandstone. Inside, there is an impressive chancel and artistically designed elements such as the pulpit and the baptismal font. The church plays an important role in the religious and cultural life of the community, with regular services and events. It also serves the community as a cultural venue for concerts and exhibitions, attracting visitors.

Good to know


Visits are possible by appointment after October.
The church is looked after by the "Open Churches Working Group".
Contact persons are Mr Christoph Schildbach - 035023/51525
and Mr Dietrich Schildbach - 035023/62336.
Dayoff: Wednesday, Saturday


  • Suitable for any weather

Payment Options

Entrance Free


Kurgesellschaft Bad Gottleuba-Berggießhübel mbH -Touristinformation und Besucherbergwerk "Marie Louise Stolln"-
Kurgesellschaft Bad Gottleuba-Berggießhübel mbH -Touristinformation und Besucherbergwerk "Marie Louise Stolln"-


Kurgesellschaft Bad Gottleuba-Berggießhübel mbH -Touristinformation und Besucherbergwerk "Marie Louise Stolln"-


Getting there

St. Peter's Lutheran Church Bad Gottleuba
Kirchgasse Kirche
01816 Bad Gottleuba-Berggießhübel - OT Bad Gottleuba