


Is the devil going on here?
Normally, this lively bubbling spring tends to be rather calm  

No one has yet been able to really explain where the name comes from. It was probably simply a marketing gimmick in the 1960s. But who can blame the home-lovers of the time? Doesn't a small spring in the middle of the forest make everyone think of fairy tales, dwarves and fairies? And who knows... According to a Hagen legend, the devil himself is said to have been up to mischief in the middle of the village center (if you want to know more, you should definitely take part in a "scary tour".

In fact, for a long time the spring was simply called "Quelle im iarmsieck", translated: spring in the strawberry patch. A trip must have been worthwhile even back then, as it was crowned by a little snacking experience.

Good to know


No easy access for people with walking or visual impairments

Contact person


Tourismusgesellschaft Osnabrücker Land mbH
Herrenteichsstraße 17+18
49074 Osnabrück


Tourismusgesellschaft Osnabrücker Land mbH


Getting there

Gemeinde Hagen aTW
Schulstraße 7
49170 Hagen am Teutoburger Wald