7. Tour Ellerburg Aue Radweg: Rundfahrt Espelkamp




44.37 km long
round trip
Difficulty: medium
condition: easy
  • 03:00 h
  • 44.37 km
  • 67 m
  • 66 m
  • 41 m
  • 69 m
  • 28 m
  • Start: Parking lot on the grounds of the Ellerburg, Ellerburg 2, 32339 Espelkamp
  • Destination: Parking lot on the grounds of the Ellerburg, Ellerburg 2, 32339 Espelkamp
The tour starts at the Ellerburg parking lot and leads past Benkhausen Castle and then north to the city center with beautiful views of the Wiehengebirge mountains.

The tour goes through the middle of the city and the focus is on the many artistically designed façades. Several color designers have followed a philosophy or implemented an idea developed specifically for these buildings or entire districts.

Good to know

Best to visit

Depends on weather

Tour information

  • Familiy-Friendly

  • Loop Road

  • Stop at an Inn

Directions & Parking facilities

By car:

About the L766 - L 773 - Ellerburger Allee

Parking lot at the Ellerburg
Ellerburg 2
32339 Espelkamp

Espelkamp train station
Am Bahnhof 1
32339 Espelkamp


Mühlenkreis Minden-Lübbecke


Mühlenkreis Minden-Lübbecke

Safety guidelines

Difficulty: Medium
Length: 44.4 km
Duration: 03:00 h

Medium-difficulty bike tour. Good basic fitness required. Mainly paved paths. No special skills required

Our recommendations

© Tourismusverband Sieben e.V.
© © Dominik Ketz


Getting there

7. Tour Ellerburg Aue Radweg: Rundfahrt Espelkamp
32339 Espelkamp