A7 - Wanderweg Bad Holzhausen




4.72 km long
round trip
Difficulty: medium
condition: easy
Great panorama
  • 01:21 h
  • 4.72 km
  • 112 m
  • 112 m
  • 66 m
  • 178 m
  • 112 m
  • Start: Haus des Gastes, Hudenbeck 2, 32361 Preußisch Oldendorf
  • Destination: Haus des Gastes, Hudenbeck 2, 32361 Preußisch Oldendorf
Circular hiking trail through the Limberg nature reserve.

The A7 circular hiking trail starts at the Haus des Gastes in Bad Holzhausen and then leads through the Limberg nature reserve with its historic castle ruins from the 13th century. You can admire many beautiful woodland structures along the way.

Good to know

Best to visit

Depends on weather

Tour information

  • Familiy-Friendly

  • Loop Road

  • Stop at an Inn


Sturdy shoes are recommended.

Directions & Parking facilities

Bad Holzhausen is located directly on the B65.
Parking at the sports field at the Haus des Gastes (Heddinghauser Str. 11)
Bad Holzhausen train station is approx. 1 km away from the Haus des Gastes.

Always know what's running when: The "smart number" for bus and train in NRW: 08006 504030.

Additional information

Further information and maps are available from the Tourist Information Office in the Haus des Gastes in Bad Holzhausen, Hudenbeck 2, 32361 Preußisch Oldendorf, Tel.: 05742-9311200. The Tourist Information Office is open Monday to Friday from 9.00-11.30 am and from 2.30 pm to 4.30 pm.30 am and from 2.30 pm to 4.30 pm.

Take a look at our homepage: tourismus.preussischoldendorf.de


Christian Streich


Stadt Preußisch Oldendorf


Getting there

A7 - Wanderweg Bad Holzhausen
32361 Preußisch Oldendorf