- 05:15 h
- 700 m
- 700 m
- 1,315 m
- 14.90 km
- Start: Parking area P1 Zwieslerwaldhaus, Waldhausstraße 22, 94227 Lindberg
- Destination: Parking area P1 Zwieslerwaldhaus, Waldhausstraße 22, 94227 Lindberg
On the demanding tour to Großer Falkenstein (1315 meters above sea level), the path leads us up through the Höllbachgespreng, a romantic landscape with a number of small waterfalls and pristine mixed mountain forest. At the Falkenstein summit, we have a breathtaking view. Right below, one can have a break at Falkenstein shelter. The descent leads us across the Ruckowitzschachten and pristine forest area of Mittelsteighütte.
In spring, a trail closure in Höllbachgespreng due to the nesting of peregrine falcons may be possible. In this case, please use the marked detour.
In spring, a trail closure in Höllbachgespreng due to the nesting of peregrine falcons may be possible. In this case, please use the marked detour.
Good to know
Best to visit
Depends on weather
Tour information
Loop Road
Loop Road
Nature Highlight
Stop at an Inn
Contact person
Nationalparkverwaltung Bayerischer Wald
Freyunger Str. 2
94481 Grafenau
Nationalparkverwaltung Bayerischer Wald