From Ludwigsthal to Schwellhäusl



14.00 km long
round trip
Difficulty: easy
  • 04:00 h
  • 240 m
  • 240 m
  • 14.00 km
  • Start: Parking area Falkenstein National Park Center, Eisensteiner Str. 20, 94227 Lindberg
Relaxing tour between Ludwigsthal and Zwieslerwaldhaus with information and refreshment points
This extended tour leads to scenic and cultural highlights between Ludwigsthal and Zwieslerwaldhaus. On the way, we pass the animal enclosure with the Stone Age Cave, as well as Haus zur Wildnis. Past Zwieslerwaldhaus, we continue along the Schwellgraben to Schwellhäusl (restaurant) and back to Ludwigsthal.
Easy tour of medium length, with little difference in altitude. Continuously on broad ways. Particularly appropriate for families. Refreshment point at Falkenstein National Park Centre, Zwieslerwaldhaus and Schwellhäusl (Please inform about the opening hours).

Local public transport network:
Train station Ludwigsthal (Waldbahn)
Falkensteinbus (line 7150)
Bus stop Haus zur Wildnis

Parking area Falkenstein National Park Centre
(fee-paying car park)
beside Eisensteiner Str. 16
94227 Lindberg

Ludwigsthal – Falkenstein National Park Centre – Zwieslerwaldhaus – Schwellhäusl - Ludwigsthal

Tour description:
From the parking area, we start our tour straight ahead through the railway underpass, then right to the signpost ‘Rundgang Wildtiere’. We pass the animal enclosure and continue towards the Stone Age Cave. In our way towards Haus zur Wildnis (670 meters above sea level), we pass the enclosures of Przewalski horses, aurochs and wolves. The free exhibition at Haus zur Wildnis invites us to learn more about the national park and its surroundings. A short detour to the lynx enclosure - just a few meters below the enclosures main entrance - is worthwhile too.

In front of the Haus zur Wildnis, we change our signpost and continue with the ‘Luchsfährte’ in direction of Zwieslerwaldhaus. After quite some time, another path branches off to the right. We follow this path through mixed forest. After the path has changed into a forestal path, we pass the Wilderness Camp at Falkenstein, an environmental education facility of the national park, made for school classes. Then we continue straight ahead and reach Zwieslerwaldhaus (690 meters above sea level).
At the paved road, we keep right towards the center. After a short section along the road, the ‘Luchsfährte’ turns left in front of the parking area and then right towards Schwellhäusl. We continue through the forest along the outskirts area of Schwellhäusl, until our trail leads to the left on a paved road. Soon we pass the parking area Brechhäuslau (toilets available), continue slightly downhill into a fold and cross the Deffernik.
At the crossroads, we keep left with the new sign "Schwarzstorch" and walk along an idyllic path, in parallel to an old canal to Schmalzbach-Schwelle. The small reservoir has been built for timber drift back in the days. Today the beaver takes over the water management. Now, we can have a rest at the excursion rest point Schwellhäusl (670 meters above sea level).

From the Schwellhäusl, we continue with the signpost 'Linde' in direction of parking area Deffernik. The path leads us on a forest path along the Schmalzbach through the forest for quite some time and past several small meadows. Finally, we reach the parking area (Deffernik). After we crossed the road, the 'Linde' leads us on a forestal road and back into the woods.

At the next crossroads (with a bike path), we walk straight ahead, and finally turn right at the branch of signpost ‘Linde’, which leads us back to the start point.

Falkenstein National Park Centre with animal enclosure, Stone Age Cave and Haus zur Wildnis, Schmalzbach-Schwelle and Schwellhäusl

Correct on the go – all the time:
  • Always ensure to have good equipment: card, sturdy shoes, something to drink, first aid kit, bad weather clothing.
  •  Beware of falling trees and deadwood! The use of the path is at your own risk. In case of strong wind, please leave the forest for safety reasons.
  • Path regulations in order to protect endangered plants and animals in certain areas of the national park

Did you know it?

Next to Schwellhäusl, one can find the Schmalzbach-Schwelle, an artificially created reservoir, which was formerly used for Holztrift (timber transport in the water). Back in the year 1828, there was a primitive shelter for forest workers, which was then expanded for residential purposes and has later served as a refreshment point – until today. The Schwellhäusl is a popular excursion destination for hikers.
The Wildniscamp at Falkenstein is an educational institution of the Bavarian Forest National Park. School classes have the opportunity to spend exciting days and nights in the national park. The participants spend the night in different theme cabins and work on projects of their own choice, e.g. biodiversity. A team of educators and forest guides accompanies the groups on during that time.
The beaver (Castor fiber) is the largest rodent in Europe and can weigh more than 30 kilogram. It is a strict vegetarian. Leaves, twigs and bark of soft deciduous trees like poplars, alders and willows are its favorite meals. The beaver actively shapes its habitat by cutting down trees, building dams and damming waters. This also has positive impact on many other species, which can find a new habitat in this area.

Good to know

Best to visit

Depends on weather

Tour information

  • Cultural Interesting

  • Familiy-Friendly

  • Loop Road

  • Loop Road

  • Nature Highlight

  • Stop at an Inn

Contact person

Nationalparkzentrum Falkenstein
Haus zur Wildnis


Nationalparkverwaltung Bayerischer Wald
Freyunger Str. 2
94481 Grafenau


Nationalparkverwaltung Bayerischer Wald
Getting there
From Ludwigsthal to Schwellhäusl
Parkplatz Nationalparkzentrum Falkenstein
94227 Lindberg - Eisensteiner Str. 20