Hiking trail 'Heidelbeere' (Blueberries) (Zwieslerwaldhaus - Großer Falkenstein)



8.20 km long
Difficulty: difficult
  • 03:45 h
  • 700 m
  • 100 m
  • 8.20 km
  • Start: Parking area P1 Zwieslerwaldhaus, Waldhausstraße 2, 94227 Lindberg
  • Destination: Großer Falkenstein

Challenging hike from Zwieslerwaldhaus passing Höllbachgespreng to Großer Falkenstein

Starting from Parking area P1 at the entrance to Zwieslerwaldhaus, the 'Heidelbeere' (Blueberries) trail leads initially to Höllbachschwelle. The trail then continues on rocky and root-filled, sometimes steep paths through Höllbachgespreng to the summit of Großer Falkenstein.

In spring, a trail closure in Höllbachgespreng due to the nesting of peregrine falcons may be possible. In this case, please use the marked detour.

Good to know

Best to visit

Depends on weather

Contact person

Nationalparkzentrum Falkenstein
Haus zur Wildnis
94227 Lindberg


Nationalparkverwaltung Bayerischer Wald
Freyunger Str. 2
94481 Grafenau


Nationalparkverwaltung Bayerischer Wald
Getting there
Parkplatz P1 Zwieslerwaldhaus
Waldhausstraße 2
94227 Lindberg