Circular route 'Eisvogel' (Kingfisher) - Along the Steinbach to Große Kanzel



8.50 km long
round trip
Difficulty: medium
Great panorama
  • 02:45 h
  • 270 m
  • 270 m
  • 8.50 km
  • Start: Parking area Jägerstraßl Mauth, Jägerstraßl, 94545 Hohenau
  • Destination: Parking area Jägerstraßl Mauth, Jägerstraßl, 94545 Hohenau
Along the Steinbach to Große Kanzel - on a certified quality hiking trail
The circular trail ‘Eisvogel’ is an exciting discovery tour off the visitor hotspots in the national park with plenty of water, summit view and a varied wild forest. Even though the route leads on the edge of the national park, the natural silence is rarely disturbed and relaxation guaranteed. The circular path is certified by Deutscher Wanderverband (German Hiking Association) as a short ‘quality hiking trail’ in the category 'dream tour'.

Good to know

Best to visit

Depends on weather

Tour information

  • Climbing Site

  • Loop Road

  • Loop Road

  • Nature Highlight

  • Predicate Trail

  • Premium Trail "Wanderbares Deutschland"

  • Summit

Contact person

Nationalparkzentrum Lusen
94556 Neuschönau


Nationalparkverwaltung Bayerischer Wald
Freyunger Str. 2
94481 Grafenau


Nationalparkverwaltung Bayerischer Wald
Getting there
Circular route 'Eisvogel' (Kingfisher) - Along the Steinbach to Große Kanzel
94151 Mauth