Lippeaue - Lippe Floodplain Lippborg around Lippborg




4.85 km long
round trip
Difficulty: easy
Great panorama
  • 00:30 h
  • 4.85 km
  • 18 m
  • 18 m
  • 64 m
  • 73 m
  • 9 m
  • Start: Car park on Ilmerweg in Lippborg
  • Destination: Car park on Ilmerweg in Lippborg
The Lippe floodplain in Lippborg is located in the northwestern part of the District of Soest. You can experience some of the renatured Lippe with its natural dynamics here. River bank reinforcements have been largely removed in this section.

The Lippe floodplain is located in the north of the District of Soest. The state of North Rhine-Westphalia, Lippe River Management Association and the NRW Foundation undertake a great deal of conservation work in the Lippe floodplain. Since the mid-1990s, about 15 km of the Lippe have been restored.

The Lippe floodplain is rich in different habitats: The gently flowing River Lippe, meadows and pastures, dry sand heaths, tall forb communities, small woods, ponds, pools and streams. The Tall Oat-Grass meadows and the wet meadows offer habitats for rare species of plant: Pepper Saxifrage, Yellow Meadow Rue, Meadow Fleabane and Yellow Rattle all grow here. The sandy river terraces are the realm of specialist plants: Petty Whin, Small Cudweed and Heather cope here with the nutrient-poor conditions that make life impossible for other species.

Wading birds such as Snipe and Greenshank, duck species like Widgeon and Teal, as well as Cranes, are just some of the species that overwinter in the Lippe floodplain or stop off during migration.

Good to know

Best to visit

Depends on weather


The circular route is suitable for a bike ride or a walk. You start in Lippborg, and then follow the path alongside the B475 to the south bank of the Lippe. In Hultrop you again turn left and cross the Lippe. Here the route leads along the Lippe close to the river before it leads back to Lippborg.

Tour information

  • Loop Road


You are recommended to take binoculars for bird watching.

Directions & Parking facilities

You can reach the area via the B 475 trunk road.

Address for satnavs: Ilmerweg 3, 59510 Lippborg

GPS (UTM): 32 U 433481, 5724242

Google coordinates: 51.665260, 8.037987

Car park on Ilmerweg in Lippborg

Additional information

In Heintrop you can call in at the only remaining windmill in the region, Sändkers Mühle.

On the "Auenland" cycle path west of Lippborg you pass the museum railway station Museumsbahnhof Heintrop.



Natalia Jaworski


Arbeitsgemeinschaft Biologischer Umweltschutz im Kreis Soest e.V


Getting there

Lippeaue - Lippe Floodplain Lippborg around Lippborg
59510 Lippetal