MI-Porta-Westfalica: Sterntour 5




7.85 km long
Difficulty: difficult
condition: difficult
Great panorama
  • 00:39 h
  • 7.85 km
  • 158 m
  • 8 m
  • 37 m
  • 197 m
  • 160 m
  • Start: Tourist information
  • Destination: Kaiser Wilhelm Monument

Star tour 5:

From Minden to Porta Westfalica

Along the Weser Cycle Path, you make your way to the Westphalian gateway - Porta Westfalica with the Kaiser Wilhelm Monument including the newly constructed ring terrace and visitor centre. From up here you have an unobstructed and impressive view of the Minden region.

Your tour starts at the tourist information centre in Minden, where you have the opportunity to equip yourself with maps for this and other tours in Mindener Land. The ride begins towards Glacis - Minden's so-called green lung and takes you along the Weser Cycle Path past the Schiffmühle, the Sommerbad and past a military fortress. Continue following the signs towards Porta Westfalica. Your route takes you past a tennis court, after which you take the next exit onto Aulhausener Weg. Now turn left into Alle Poststraße and immediately right into Lannertstraße. Now take a good swing over Portastrasse, because from now on it's uphill. The winding Kaiserstraße leads you to your destination: the Kaiser-Wilhelm-Denkmal.

From up here, you have a wonderful view of the entire surrounding area.

Good to know

Best to visit

Depends on weather

Tour information

  • Stop at an Inn

  • Suitable for Bike

  • Summit

Contact person

Minden Marketing GmbH
Domstraße 2
32423 Minden


Minden Marketing GmbH
Domstraße 2
32423 Minden


Getting there

Minden Marketing GmbH
Domstraße 2
32423 Minden