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- 02:00 h
- 195 m
- 82 m
- 6.20 km
- Start: Parkplatz Burgberg
- Destination: Parkplatz Burgberg
Winding alleys, half-timbered idylls, mystical witches' rocks and picturesque natural attractions. The Teutostadtschleife Tecklenburger Romantik offers all this and more. In the town, the tour leads to the market square and Otto Modersohn Museum, the Protestant church and the beautifully landscaped spa gardens. In the forest, picturesquely situated in a valley meadow, the moated castle Haus Marck, a former knight's estate and old mills exude historical charm.
Good to know
Tour information
Cultural Interesting
Loop Road
Nature Highlight
Directions & Parking facilities
Tecklenburg can be reached by car via the motorways A1, exit Lengerich and A30, exit Laggenbeck. Follow the signs in the direction of Tecklenburg.
Parking is possible in the Burgberg car park, Meesenhof (charges apply). An alternative is theKönigsteiche car park, Königstraße.
Author´s Tip / Recommendation of the author
Particularly recommended arestagecoach rides and the bakery at Haus Hülshoff, a guided tour of the moatedmoated castle Haus Marck (guided tours from April to October on Saturdays at 10 a.m.) as well as theTecklenburg spa gardens with Kneipp pool and herb garden.