Bücherschrank Barnstorf



Public bookcase in an old telephone box
A bookcase is like an outdoor library where you can borrow books for free. You can return the books you have read or you can put them back in a bookcase in another location or pass them on in some way. The idea is that books go on a journey. When the cupboard is too full, you should take your books back with you. 

The bookcase in Barnstorf is located near the volunteer fire department building in a driveway by the road and is accessible and open around the clock. As it is located in an old telephone box, the books are well protected from the weather. 

Good to know


Nördliches Harzvorland Tourismusverband e. V.
Löwenstraße 1
38300 Wolfenbüttel


Nördliches Harzvorland Tourismusverband e. V.


Getting there

Bücherschrank Barnstorf
Bistorfer Straße 22
38170 Uehrde - Barnstorf