Step into the enchanting world of puppetry and puppet theatre, where the original Hohnstein Kasper sets the tone. He regularly opens his doors to children and adults for Punch and Judy Day, concerts, picture shows and much more. The traditional building with its humorous shutters, wooden shingle roof and tower with weather vane offers a fantastic view of the town.
Gästekarte Sächsische Schweiz
Present your guest card at the Max Jacob Theatre to receive a €2.00 discount on your admission to an evening event.
Hiking tip: Punch and Judy trail
Gästekarte Sächsische Schweiz
Present your guest card at the Max Jacob Theatre to receive a €2.00 discount on your admission to an evening event.
Hiking tip: Punch and Judy trail
Good to know
The rooms of the theatre can only be visited during performances.
Please refer to our programme for more information.
We will be happy to arrange an appointment with you outside of the performance schedule.
Please refer to our programme for more information.
We will be happy to arrange an appointment with you outside of the performance schedule.
Price info
Erwachsenenprogramm (Erw.): €12.00
Erwachsenenprogramm (Erm.): €8.00
Kinderprogramm (Erw.): €6.00
Kinderprogramm (Erm.): €4.00
depending on the event; admission is free on Punch and Judy days (donations are requested)
General Information
Parking Available
Bus stop available
Bad Weather Offer
Suitable for any weather
for Groups
for individual guests
Foreign Language
German, English
Notes on accessibility / deviations from pictograms:
- Public car park approx. 200 m away
- Access with approx. 12% slope
- House access via stair lift and via ramp, escort is recommended
- The performance hall is accessible via the side entrance (ramp)
- Hearing loops are available
Directions & Parking facilities
Stop: Hohnstein, Eiche
Contact person
Tourismusverband Sächsische Schweiz e.V.
Madlen Rogge
Tourismusverband Sächsische Schweiz e.V.