International Johann Sebastian Bach Competition Leipzig



Talented young people interpret Bach's works for the International Bach Competition.

The International Bach Competition takes place every two years. Bach's masterpieces are interpreted musically by talented young people. Bach's work is the focus of attention, but the repertoire goes beyond that. The younger set meets this challenging task head-on. As jurors, world-renowned musicians are dedicated to passing on their experience to the younger generation. The competition takes place in three alternating subjects: piano, harpsichord, violin/baroque violin or organ, voice, violoncello/baroque violoncello.

Good to know


Die Informationen über das Programm des Wettbewerbes finden Sie unter

Price info

Information on reduced prices: LEIPZIG CARD / LEIPZIG REGIO CARD: Reduced admission price for all Leipzig Bach Competition events where concessions are permitted and for events at Leipzig Bach Museum.

Directions & Parking facilities

ÖPNV: Die nächstgelegene Haltestelle ist Leipzig, Thomaskirche (Linie 9, 89). Das Ziel ist von dort etwa 140 m Fußweg entfernt. Weitere Haltestellen im näheren Umfeld: Markt (Linie Linie S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S5x, S6, 89).

PKW: Nutzen Sie die umliegenden Parkhäuser rund um das Stadtzentrum. Die nächstgelegenste Parkmöglichkeit ist die Tiefgarage "Q-Park" Marktgalerie.


Leipzig Tourismus und Marketing GmbH
Augustusplatz 9
04109 Leipzig


Leipzig Tourismus und Marketing GmbH


Getting there

International Johann Sebastian Bach Competition Leipzig
Thomaskirchhof 15/16
04109 Leipzig