


This half-timbered house from 1685 originally stood in Schmedenstedt. It was then relocated and now houses the town library.
The town library is located in the Schmedenstedthaus. The half-timbered house from 1685 is a three-storey building that originally stood in the village of Schmedenstedt in Pein. The oldest farmhouse in the region was converted so that as many people as possible could experience this historic ambience.

The house with its ornate half-timbering and roof tiles was built by a wealthy farmer. The main beam supporting the roof truss rests on three rows of posts arranged lengthwise in the house. Typical of this type of construction is the large hall in which life took place at the time.
To this day, visitors can still see the former fireplace. At the front is the grootdör (largest door), through which the fully loaded harvest wagons drove in. On both sides of the hall there were stables for the cattle and the feed room. At the head end was the good room (Dönz), a chamber and the Flett (kitchen). From there you could access the drying and smoking floor.

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Contact person

Stadtbücherei Peine
Winkel 30A
31224 Peine


Peine Marketing GmbH
Breite Straße 58
31224 Peine - Zentrum



Getting there

Winkel 30A
31224 Peine - Zentrum