St. Marienkirche in Roklum



Protestant St. Mary's Church in Roklum
The church stands on a hill and the highest point in the village of Roklum at the end of the village between the streets Kirchberg and Wetzlebenerstraße. The church grounds are surrounded by a wall in which one of the rare cross stones can still be seen. The cemetery is right next door. On the grounds you can still see some old, very elaborate and precious gravestones. Furthermore, some old trees provide shade in summer. 

The church is around 900 years old and has been extended and expanded several times over the years. Inside is still one of three organs by Johann Papenius from Halberstadt. It dates back to 1742 and is one of the most magnificent organs in the district of Wolfenbüttel. A special feature is the one semitone higher tuning

Only open during church services. Viewing on request.

Good to know


On request.

Contact person

Ev.-luth. Kirchengemeindeverband Asse
Ms. Nina Redemske
Kirchweg 4
38327 Semmenstedt


Nördliches Harzvorland Tourismusverband e. V.
Löwenstraße 1
38300 Wolfenbüttel


Nördliches Harzvorland Tourismusverband e. V.


Getting there

St. Marienkirche in Roklum
Wetzlebener Straße
38325 Roklum