St. Nicholas Church



St. Nicholas Church is the oldest and largest church in Leipzig. In autumn 1989, the Church was the central starting point of the Peaceful Revolution.
The late Gothic St. Nicholas Church, whose interior was redesigned around 1790, is one of two preserved churches in Leipzig for whose church music Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 - 1750) was responsible.

Bach began his duties in Leipzig here on 30 May 1723 with a cantata performance in a church service. From time immemorial, the church music of St. Nicholas was closely connected with the neighbouring church of St. Thomas. Although the St. Nicholas Church was regarded as Leipzig's main parish church, it had its own organist, but no cantor. As cantor of St. Thomas Church and Leipzig's "Director musices", Bach was responsible for the church music at both St. Nicholas and St. Thomas as well as at the New Church of St. Matthäi and St. Peter's Church. St. Nicholas Church witnessed the most cantata performances under Bach's direction. Some of Bach's major works were also premiered here, including the St. John Passion (1724) and the Christmas Oratorio (1734/35).

Through the prayers for peace, which still take place every Monday at 5 pm, St. Nicholas Church became the starting point of the Peaceful Revolution in 1989 and a symbol of German reunification. The light installation "public light" at the St. Nicholas churchyard consists of 144 coloured glass cubes set into the pavement. It represents a metaphor for the active goodwill of Leipzig's citizens and reflects the process of situational flare-ups of political consciousness. The St. Nicholas column in front of the church, with its classicist motif which mirrors the interior of the church, is also intended to remind us of those participants who were unable to find a place in the overcrowded St. Nicholas church in the autumn of '89.

Good to know


Besichtigungen sind während Gottesdiensten, Andachten, Konzerten und anderen Veranstaltungen nicht möglich.

Sonntags-Gottesdienst: 10:00 Uhr

Price info

Audio-Guide : €3.00
Foto-Erlaubnis: €2.50
Preise für Konzerttickets in der Nikolaikirche sind auf der Website der Kirche einsehbar.


  • Suitable for any weather

  • for Groups

  • for Class

  • for individual guests

  • Suitable for the Elderly

Foreign Language

German, English, Finnish, Dutch, Swedish

Payment Options

Entrance Free


Notes on accessibility / deviations from the pictograms:

  • Parking in underground car park at Augustusplatz or Ritterstraße.
  • Entrance door 80 cm.
  • Toilet for wheelchair users in the Alte Nikolaischule (in the old school. Key in the Café): 90x100 cm in front, 60 cm to the right or 30 cm to the left of the toilet.

  • Induction loops available.

Directions & Parking facilities

Mit dem ÖPNV: Mit der Straßenbahnlinie 4, 7, 8, 10 ,11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 51, 56, N10, N17 oder Buslinie N8, N9 bis Haltestelle Augustusplatz (Fußweg ca. 4 Minuten). Alternativ bis Leipzig Hauptbahnhof (Fußweg ca. 8 Minuten).
Mit der Straßenbahnlinie 2, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16, 51, 56, N10 oder Buslinie N9 bis Haltestelle Wilhelm-Leuschner-Platz (Fußweg ca. 9 Minuten).

Mit dem Auto: Nutzung der umliegenden Parkhäuser.

Social Media


Leipzig Tourismus und Marketing GmbH
Augustusplatz 9
04109 Leipzig


Leipzig Tourismus und Marketing GmbH


Getting there

St. Nicholas Church
Nikolaikirchhof 3
04109 Leipzig - Zentrum